29. April 2020
Just started – already won. racksnet® gains TOP 100 Award!
Half a year ago we received an e-mail asking us if we wanted to apply for the Red Herring Event 2020. Red Herring! The event of the best, most innovative companies worldwide.
Sure, we think our solution is quite disruptive, but we must admit that our company is still quite young. So we took a look at the criteria list. What do we have to fulfill?
Oh, quite a lot, but never mind: Let´s fill out the forms and questions and off we go… Waiting…
In December, we received the invitation for 2 more rounds of video calls. A bit of excitement, but we master the two rounds, exchange views with e.g. Alex Vieux, the CEO of Red Herring, about disruption in the global network market. We feel a real interest in us, it’s super fun.

Finally we receive the message that we are invited to the Red Herring Event in Amsterdam. Yes, we made it. So what will be waiting for us there?
We are now really keen to present ourselves to journalists and investors at the end of March 2020. But the Corona virus changed everything. No Amsterdam. The event was then held as a video conference so that we could finally present online in front of a few journalists and jurors. It’s something different than standing on stage in front of people, but it worked out quite well. And again we had to wait…
Then, at the end of April, the message arrives: We have been voted into the Top 100 Europe and we are invited to present ourselves to international investors at the Global Top 100 in the USA in October.
This puts us in an illustrious series of companies such as Google, Skype, Spotify and Twitter or, for Germany, Delivery Hero. Sounds cool! Hopefully the travel restrictions will be eased by then. We would really like to go there.